Yuhang Xiao (Johan Shull)

I'm currently a machine learning engineer at TikTok. Previously, I'm a master student at Thomas Lord Department of Computer Science, University of Southern California, where I'm fortunate to work with Prof. Laurent Itti and Dr. Yunhao Ge at iLab and Dr. Ming-Chang Chiu at ISI.

It costs me some time to explore my interests. I received my Bachelor degree in Nuclear Engineering at Shanghai Jiao Tong University, where I worked on nuclear physics with Prof. Tengfei Zhang. Then, I was a research assistant working on fracture mechanics with Prof. Roberto Dugnani at SJTU. At USC, I'm fortunate to be a research intern in Japan working on multimodal learning with Prof. Satoh Shin'ichi at National Institute of Informatics and The University of Tokyo. (I got my foreign name from Nicolas Jonason at KTH Royal Institute of Technology here!)

Email: yuhangxiao20[at]gmail.com

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I'm generally interested in machine learning and artificial intelligence, especially in Generative AI and AI4Science. I'm devoted to contributing to the development of AI and its road to AGI.


[Jan. 2025]  New!! "DreamDistribution" is accepted to ICLR'2025. Check out our website here!
[Jun. 2024]   One paper is accepted to "Large Language Models and Cognition" workshop at ICML'2024. Check out the website here!

Publications (* equal contribution)

DreamDistribution: Prompt Distribution Learning for Text-to-Image Diffusion Models
Brian Nlong Zhao,  Yuhang Xiao*,  Jiashu Xu*,  XINYANG JIANG,  Yifan Yang,  Dongsheng Li,  Laurent Itti,  Yunhao Ge,  Vibhav Vineet 
ICLR, 2025.

Behavioral Bias of Vision-Language Models: A Behavioral Finance View
Yuhang Xiao,  Yudi Lin,  Ming-Chang Chiu 
ICML 2024 Workshop on LLMs and Cognition, 2024.

Automated Quantitative Fractography of Silicate Glasses with Visual Analysis
Yuhang Xiao,  Roberto Dugnani 
Journal of Materials Engineering and Performance, 2021.


dise TikTok
E-Commerce Feed Recommendation, Machine Learning Engineer
Recommendation System
dise Ericsson
BTEB One Network Service Group, Software Developer Intern
Microservice Development

Updated on Jan. 2025
Thank Jon Barron for the website.